LCD powers up but nothing is displayed?
(11-15-2016, 01:57 PM)Armbian User Wrote: I always had trouble with the LCD until I powered through Euler pins, then learned in another forum that my USB cable between mains adapter and board was the culprit. Replaced it with a short and thick one and am now done.

Yeah, powering the board on it's own via a MicroUSB once you start adding any peripherals isn't going to reliable unless you have a good quality / short USB cable and a properly rated 5-5.2v power supply (hence why the 5.2v white Raspberry Pi power supply is often recommended). Euler pin powering fixes the problem as you can have proper thick wires and connections and reduce the voltage sag resulting from that. All of that goes away if you have the battery connected also, but that is only mitigating the issue instead of fixing it.

If it works with the pine64 + HDMI, but not the LCD, first think to check is if you're using the correct image. Second thing to check is if the pine64 is getting enough power. The MicroSD used is always a consideration. Once you're past those checks / issues a problems then something may be really wrong.

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RE: LCD powers up but nothing is displayed? - by pfeerick - 11-15-2016, 08:44 PM

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