LCD Installation Walkthrough
How many mAh does the LCD panel draw from the board?
(06-10-2016, 10:51 PM)armlesstigerman Wrote: Thanks man.  Knowing that I was missing an adapter, went back to where I had done my unboxing.  Discovered this sucker:

[Image: 26984536543_723c5c754a_q.jpg]

face down it blended in perfectly with floor!

Glad that you have find the adapter.
For Mac-User:
  • Go to
  • Choose the right image for your MicroSD Card (Android 5.1.1 Image (LCD Panel Video Output) Release 20160603), just click on it and it will start download immediately
  • Once download has finished, you’ll have a zip file
  • You can open it with StuffIt Expander , just unzip it and you’ll have an .img file ready to be copied
  • Open a terminal window and type
Quote:df -h

then leave it alone, we’ll need this later on
  • Insert your SD Card
  • Initialize your SD Card with Disk Utility, selecting “Erase” from the “Erase” tab (i used MS-DOS FAT)
    please note: every data on Micro SD card will be lost!
  • Go back to the terminal and type again
Quote:df -h
  • Now you should see your SD Card, take note of the name (e.g. /dev/disk2s1 )
  • Unmount your SD Card using the following command:
Quote:sudo diskutil unmount /dev/disk2s1

(or the name you obtained above)
  • Start copying your Image file to the SD Card.
The SD Name will be rdisk[n], same as above but without s1 in the end (e.g. /dev/disk2s1 -> /dev/rdisk2)
Please double check this step, wrong operations may result in a wiped hard disk!

Quote:sudo dd bs=1m if=[img_file_path] of=/dev/[sd_name]

(You can also drag&drop the .img file on the terminal instead writing the full path)
  • Wait a long time for the process to finish
  • Unmount the SD Card with
Quote:sudo diskutil eject /dev/rdisk3

or how your card is named
  • Done! Insert your newly created MicroSD Card in your Pine 64 and power it up!
You can also use ApplePi-Baker. It's free and works very well.
Ok this is probably a very stupid question but this is my first time using electronics of this fashion.  It's fairly obvious what orientation the cable needs to be inserted on both ends (metal meeting metal) but when I try to plug it in it refuses.  Not sure if it is just a very tight fit or if I am missing something.  Is the black piece at the end of each plastic connector a lock mechanism that needs to be removed or lifted before the cable can be plugged in?
(07-01-2016, 07:34 AM)Topgun505 Wrote: Ok this is probably a very stupid question but this is my first time using electronics of this fashion.  It's fairly obvious what orientation the cable needs to be inserted on both ends (metal meeting metal) but when I try to plug it in it refuses.  Not sure if it is just a very tight fit or if I am missing something.  Is the black piece at the end of each plastic connector a lock mechanism that needs to be removed or lifted before the cable can be plugged in?

You have to lift up the black piece and then insert the cable and lock the black piece again. 

Photo by @edinor 
[Image: IMG_20160605_095517.jpg]
Thanks for this topic!
My LCD Touchscreen works really good Smile

Best regards
My forum topics:
• Create a WiFi hotspot on Debian 8
• Turn your Pine64 into a music server with mpd
• Adjust brightness of LCD on Armbian Desktop with 1 click
• My cases for Pine64 (acryl, lego & wood)

• Pine 64 - DACH - Facebook page for german-speaking Pine64-fans.
I received my kit on Saturday, but the touch screen I have received also dead. Tried several times connecting it but no luck. Works fine with the HDMI. If I contact the seller would I get e replacement screen?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
(07-04-2016, 06:29 PM)Flyingcom Wrote: I received my kit on Saturday, but the touch screen I have received also dead. Tried several times connecting it but no luck. Works fine with the HDMI. If I contact the seller would I get e replacement screen?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
read the thread again... you need to download a different image file... (assuming you're using android)...
Has anybody gotten this working with a linux image?
Are there nonstandard drivers I need to install?

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