Recommended window managers?
Phosh is nice at first, but I'm not really happy with it:

* HDMI is not always recognized
* windows do not always fit on the screen. Often they are just too big. Mostly settings windows of other applicaions (which also appear as floating windows in other tiling window managers; can it be that hard to make all windows fullscreen by default?)
* some features expected for a phone are missing

Are there other mobile window managers, I can try on Manjaro?
I tried to run Plasma, but I think it was the desktop variant.

On most systems I use i3, but I think, there's nothing similar yet for mobile. Is it?
There are a lot of operating systems listed in the wiki that you can try.

The Manjaro has operating systems with different desktops you can try.
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i use i3 on arch and so far ive been happiest with pmOS/sxmo. it uses dwm and X11 and dwm is tiling so everything just fits.

as soon as an arch derivative offers sxmo ill switch but i suspect that like me youd prefer it
Sounds like something I should try as well

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