A decent set of FRS transceivers can be gotten for $20; and surprisingly a lot of people are on the air with them. MURS has all kinds of possibilities that other services don't have, and have less existing users. Humourously, Wal-Mart uses them round here and you can remotely ask their employees to do things and they will comply. (I have not done it but I've seen it demonstrated!)
Implementing any of these services on a new device with other capabilities will be mostly impossible in the US. FCC doesn't like devices that can do more than one thing. At least not for these services. GMRS/FRS are the one exception.
Implementing any of these services on a new device with other capabilities will be mostly impossible in the US. FCC doesn't like devices that can do more than one thing. At least not for these services. GMRS/FRS are the one exception.