is there any way to change the usb current limit?
it is currently set after apt-get upgrade to 0,5 A, which is not enough to charge the phone.
I used the same charging setup yesterday and the current limit was 1,5 A then.
After charging the battery using UT, now the current limit in Mobian is 1,5 A.
Let's see tomorrow. : )
It is charging now with a current limit of 1,5A.
I don't understand what happened yesterday.
Maybe it is not a good idea making an upgrade while charging.
Not sure if this belongs here, but I have had a sudden change in charging after I re installed. I was able to charge with those chargers that has USB Type C on both ends of the cable, but after I installed the latest nightly build, when i tried to charge with those types it is not detected as connected. Only when i used chargers that are USB A on one end and USB C into the phone will it charge. My power consumption is erratic, losing charge quite quickly. Is there something i can do?
Most likely a new driver for controlling the USB port was added to your distro.
This exposes a hw fault on the phone, that need to be fixed, to make USB-C-C charging
Work correctly. There are details about the needed fixes on the wiki, and some info
About it in the lavest blog post.
Until then, use USB A-C cable, there are plenty of chargers, that can do 3A from a USB A port.