(03-14-2021, 03:02 PM)zlmk43qK2 Wrote: I know how to work with the CLI. I know how to use vim. I just copied the .desktop contents from this post: http://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=13383.
Initially i tried putting the .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications, to no avail. Then i tried putting it in /usr/share/applications with the same result.
Initially, I made the .desktop file executable with
sudo chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/themeswitcher.desktop
as instructed in the post, but after taking a closer look at all the other .desktop files in /usr/share/applications, i noticed none of them were executable, so i ran
sudo chmod 644 dark-light.desktop
to reverse the previous command. Unfortunately, this didn't make a difference either.
here is are the ownership, permissions, location and content.
mobian@mobian:/usr/share/applications$ la -l | grep dark
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 270 Mar 14 11:15 dark-light.desktop
mobian@mobian:/usr/share/applications$ cat dark-light.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Theme Switch
Comment=Theme Switch
Exec=notify-send ThemeSwitcher "Long Press for Theme Color Options"
There is too much information in there. It needs to start with [Desktop Entry] to create the symbolic link. Also looking at your code I see no reference as to the GTK gnome themes you are going to switch between. It has to be two of the ones installed like in the code provided. There is about 5 themes in on my device but I don't remember the directory.
I would just do it with Vim. I will walk you through it.
Open Terminal
$ cd /usr/share/applications/ to navigate to the directory
$ ls to see the contents to make sure you are in the right place
# sudo vi themeswitcher.desktop (Or the name you named your program) It will create your .desktop file.
Type :i It will put the file in insert mode (you will see insert at the bottom)
Copy and paste or enter this. You can edit the themes to the ones you are using if it's nit the ones in here in the file but they have to be themes installed.
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Theme Switch
Comment=Theme Switch
Exec=notify-send ThemeSwitcher "Long Press for Theme Color Options"
[Desktop Action Light]
Exec=gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Adwaita'
[Desktop Action Dark]
Exec=gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Adwaita-dark'
Check everything over really well. Hit the Esc will get you out of the insert mode.
Type :wq this will save and close the file to the directory
If you need to edit the themeswitcher.desktop file to change your themes, navigate back to the directory
# sudo vi themeswitcher.desktop will open it in root
:i --> To edit.
Esc --> to stop insert.
:w --> To save file.
:q --> To exit file.
:wq --> To save and quit file.
:q! --> To exit file without saving .
If I helped you hit with a +1 in the ratings please? It makes up for the lousy pay they pay me here.