Error with Keysmith / Kirigami - Please help
Hey everyone, I've just posted this on Keysmith's issues page at but I thought I'd crosspost here as I am in some dire straits.

I got my KDE Plasma CE (Manjaro) Pinephone yesterday and began the process of putting my details in.

I put some 2FA accounts and keys into Keysmith and it worked perfectly. I had to unregister my other device to get a new TOTP key, so all of my keys are stored on the Pinephone in Keysmith. After using it last night, everything ran fine. Perhaps I was a bit foolish to put this data into an experimental phone, but of all things I didn't expect the 2FA app to fail, and initially it was running perfectly.

I didn't do much with it last night except a system update. When I opened it again this afternoon, I get a blank screen. I have no idea what changed.

When opened from the terminal, it gives me an error message saying "org.kde.keysmith.accounts.actions: Unable to unlock storage:failed to request password for accounts".

Directly before that is a message saying "file://usr/lib/qt/qml/org/kde/kirigami.2/styles/org.kde.breeze.AbstractApplicationHeader.qml:62: Type Error: Cannot read property 'header' of null"

I don't know enough about KDE development to hazard a guess, but could it be that something in the Kirigami interface isn't working, and is blocking the usual password dialog? This feels like a very small software error that can be solved by deleting a cache or changing a settings file, but I have no idea what I need to do.

All I really want is to be able to get access to my 2FA tokens! I need them to log in to my email and banking.
Well, I solved it for now. I managed to find the old version - that worked - in the Pacman cache, so all it took was a simple `pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/keysmith0.2-1.2-aarch.pkg.tar.zst` and it got me back to the version which could open and read just fine.

I'll keep the bug report open so the devs know about it, but I've got myself out of my own pickle. Serves me right for eating dogfood Big Grin
It's worth noting that nothing prevents you from adding your 2FA tokens to multiple different authenticator apps on different devices, so you could have the same tokens on a more stable "production" phone as well as your Pinephone. To do this, just get both (or all) of your devices with their authentications apps ready, enable 2FA on whatever website you want, and do the setup process on all of the devices after each other (scan the QR code or copy the sequence of letters and numbers into the app) before clicking that you're ready on the website. After this, all the devices will always show the same 2FA code at the same time, so you can get the code from any of them whenever you need to login.

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