USB 4G/LTE Tethering
Is it possible for the a Linux computer to use the 4G/LTE internet connection on the PinePhone with UBPorts?
(05-13-2020, 01:35 PM)heng Wrote: Is it possible for the a Linux computer to use the 4G/LTE internet connection on the PinePhone with UBPorts?

I know your question is UBPorts: FWIW WiFi hotspot and USB tether both working on Debian so hardware-wise is no problem.
  • PinePhone BraveHeart now v1.2b 3/32Gb daily driver, Tow-boot with pmOS/SXMO on eMMC
  • PinePhone Pro Explorer Edition, Tow-boot on SPI, Arch/SXMO on eMMC
  • ROCKPro64 v2.1 2GB, 16Gb eMMC retired in favour of a fruity upgrade
Not sure if this works on the PinePhone, but on other (Android based) UBports phones you can use UT-Tweaktool from the open-store to enable USB tethering.
Anyone tried the USB tethering in UBPorts yet? I know it works in Mobian

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