UART connection
I am trying to connect a 3.3V serial adapter to rockpro64.

I suppose that connecting over UART is done on pin 6,8 and 10.

Is the baud 115200 or 1500000 (1.5M) ?

Thank you
(07-26-2018, 10:17 PM)catalinii Wrote: I am trying to connect a 3.3V serial adapter to rockpro64.

I suppose that connecting over UART is done on pin 6,8 and 10.

Is the baud 115200 or 1500000 (1.5M) ?

Thank you

1.5M and yes those pins work for me
Can you guys recommend something from that works at 1.5M?
I suppose my adapter does not.

Thank you
(07-27-2018, 07:57 PM)catalinii Wrote: Can you guys recommend something from that works at 1.5M?
I suppose my adapter does not.

Thank you

This adapter works for me, you will found it on too.
Sorry for any mistakes. English is not my native language

1. Quartz64 Model B, 4GB RAM

2. Quartz64 Model A, 4GB RAM

3. RockPro64 v2.1
I'm using Putty and rarely do I have to reset the terminal. On the Pine64 & Rock64 it's been solid, but with the RockPro64 I have to reset the terminal a lot. Last night I thought it was my USB Serial adaptor, but I've tested again this morning PI3, Rock64 and RockPro64 and only the RockPro64 is playing up.

Anyone else having this experience?
(07-28-2018, 04:15 AM)frewind Wrote: I'm using Putty and rarely do I have to reset the terminal. On the Pine64 & Rock64 it's been solid, but with the RockPro64 I have to reset the terminal a lot. Last night I thought it was my USB Serial adaptor, but I've tested again this morning PI3, Rock64 and RockPro64 and only the RockPro64 is playing up.

Anyone else having this experience?

Yes, sometimes the same here. It was better in older images, i think.
Sorry for any mistakes. English is not my native language

1. Quartz64 Model B, 4GB RAM

2. Quartz64 Model A, 4GB RAM

3. RockPro64 v2.1
It seems minicom + CH340G made this work.

Did someone got it working with screen?
1.5M isn't that fast, I get get that speed with the FTDI on a simple Arduino these days.
Only keeping the reset pressed all the time is a bit of depressing. :-)

Just connect ground first then RX/TX in any order and always try and restart cu/minicom/whatever and the device if you fail at first and are pretty sure TX/RX are the right way around. :-)
When you connect the wires there is a change it will push some garbage and that may 'hang' the terminal/output so don't forget to restart the software if you want to be sure.

Ps. connecting TX/RX before ground will make it 'a lot of garbage' and will hang one of the sides almost for sure. :-)
(08-04-2018, 10:35 PM)paradise Wrote: Only keeping the reset pressed all the time is a bit of depressing. :-)
You can upload Arduino sketch that simply turns the RX/TX GPIO as Input in setup(), that will make your reset finger happy...
Sorry for not being clear, I mean to use with 'screen' linux utility

previously I was doing (on different boards, not using rockchip): screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

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