0.7.8 No eth0?
I got my Rockpro64....NICE BOARD.....
I loaded stretch-minimal-rockpro64-0.7.8-1061-arm64.img.xz and it does not detect eth0?
Am i missing something?
Work around? 

(07-24-2018, 10:03 PM)jerry110 Wrote: I got my Rockpro64....NICE BOARD.....
I loaded stretch-minimal-rockpro64-0.7.8-1061-arm64.img.xz and it does not detect eth0?
Am i missing something?
Work around? 


Can you please test with bionic-minimal ? This image work's very well.
Sorry for any mistakes. English is not my native language

1. Quartz64 Model B, 4GB RAM

2. Quartz64 Model A, 4GB RAM

3. RockPro64 v2.1

(07-25-2018, 05:21 AM)Bullet64 Wrote:
(07-24-2018, 10:03 PM)jerry110 Wrote: I got my Rockpro64....NICE BOARD.....
I loaded stretch-minimal-rockpro64-0.7.8-1061-arm64.img.xz and it does not detect eth0?
Am i missing something?
Work around? 


Can you please test with bionic-minimal ? This image work's very well.

I cant even get that image to boot......I tried multiple cards and multiple downloads....
After further testing i was able to get stretch-minimal-rockpro64-0.7.8-1061-arm64.img.xz to boot with the following plethora of messages.....Ignore the gigabit it was my switch stopping it from going into gigabit
Here is the screenshot that i get on the console....
[Image: Zf6dfZqdPohQqhRi6]
After further testing it appears that you can not boot from the sdcard while having the EMMC module plugged in and have ETH0 ....Once you remove the EMMC eth0 becomes available....As soon as my EMMC to usb adapter gets here i will do more testing to see if that is true booting with the emmc
(07-31-2018, 10:54 PM)jerry110 Wrote: After further testing it appears that you can not boot from the sdcard while having the EMMC module plugged in ...

IF the emmc module is vaguely bootable it takes precedence over the SDcard. Unless you play with the 2-pin jumper next to the emmc module - see my post here.

By removing the emmc you are ensuring your boot is from the sdcard.

My system boots fine from emmc, with an sdcard inseted holding data and connects fine to my (plain old 10Mbit Sad ) LAN via eth0 so the symptoms you are seeing are not generally applicable.

I would suggest remove the emmc and eth0 and play with booting from the sdcard (with as little as possible in USB - keyboard only) until you have a reliable setup. Then add eth0. Then try get to emmc.
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  • ROCKPro64 v2.1 2GB, 16Gb eMMC retired in favour of a fruity upgrade
(08-01-2018, 04:25 AM)dukla2000 Wrote:
(07-31-2018, 10:54 PM)jerry110 Wrote: After further testing it appears that you can not boot from the sdcard while having the EMMC module plugged in ...

IF the emmc module is vaguely bootable it takes precedence over the SDcard. Unless you play with the 2-pin jumper next to the emmc module - see my post here.

By removing the emmc you are ensuring your boot is from the sdcard.

My system boots fine from emmc, with an sdcard inseted holding data and connects fine to my (plain old 10Mbit Sad ) LAN via eth0 so the symptoms you are seeing are not generally applicable.

I would suggest remove the emmc and eth0 and play with booting from the sdcard (with as little as possible in USB - keyboard only) until you have a reliable setup. Then add eth0. Then try get to emmc.

I am able to boot with the SDcard and EMMC module in place but it will not show eth0 in ifconfig.....If i remove the emmc module and boot from the SDcard eth0 appears in ifconfig

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