bringing up bionic .44, no network
The previous install committed harikari back in January after an update/upgrade by apt.  So since the disk I had all my rock64 work on died shortly before that, I left it laying until I had found and bought a sata adapter so I could plug in an ssd of about 60 gigs to the usb3 port.

Still no boot, never got to the startx stage. So I brought its 64GB u-sd in and rewrote it with bionic-lxde-rock64-0.6.44-239-arm64.img, which I took it was a debian image, but etc issue says its a Ubuntu 18-4-LTS, which tells me some things have been changed just to make it more difficult to configure since I've not had to deal with a *buntu since 8-4, 10 years ago.

When I looked at (after putting my local static network data in the /etc/hosts file) the /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0 file was set to use dhcp, and my router can pass out a maximum of 2 dhcp leases. But I don't think it was even trying dhcp or it would have been assigned a 192.168.xx.100 address..

Everything I try errors and tells me to read the man page so-and-so. But there's just one problem, this image doesn't include a man reader, so I've given up until someone can enlighten me.

/etc/resolv,conf is still that worthless link to /var/run/ResolveConfig and contains no useful data. I figure in 10 years there is a chance they've managed to fix NetworkManager so it actually works, even with a static network.  Wrong or I've not found the magic twanger yet.

So whats the procedure to configure a static network with the above install?

Thanks folks.
(06-04-2018, 08:40 PM)gene83 Wrote: So whats the procedure to configure a static network with the above install?

I have setup my r64 as follows, I also removed both dhcp clients as well

# cat /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0
auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static
(06-04-2018, 08:40 PM)gene83 Wrote: Still no boot, never got to the startx stage. So I brought its 64GB u-sd in and rewrote it with bionic-lxde-rock64-0.6.44-239-arm64.img, which I took it was a debian image, but etc issue says its a Ubuntu 18-4-LTS, which tells me some things have been changed just to make it more difficult to configure since I've not had to deal with a *buntu since 8-4, 10 years ago.

Bionic is the name of the 18.04 Ubuntu release, which is also a LTS (long term support) release. Would be interesting to see if you can actually install a DE on debian strech... it's problematic on the pine64 due to package dependencies, but maybe the rock64 packages aren't so troublesome. Either way, the pre-built images are the path of least resistance.

(06-04-2018, 08:55 PM)evilbunny Wrote: I have setup my r64 as follows, I also removed both dhcp clients as well

Did you have to do anything to disable that horrid netplan thing introduced in bionic, or did ayufan kill that off?
(06-04-2018, 08:55 PM)evilbunny Wrote:
(06-04-2018, 08:40 PM)gene83 Wrote: So whats the procedure to configure a static network with the above install?

I have setup my r64 as follows, I also removed both dhcp clients as well

# cat /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0
auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet static

Ok, I made mine look like the above, but with my local networks addresses.
reboot, nothing.

/etc/resolv.conf says nameserver is and recommends that I run "systemd.-resolve --status"

So I do and get "command not found"
copy paste error, drop the dbl-quotes, then it returns a couple screen full of swahili.

This is getting old, so I've now made it look like the rest of my machines and still no network.
like this:

sudo -i
rm /etc/resolv.conf (get rid of the link)
nano /etc/resolv.conf
nameserver 192.168.xx.1
search hosts nameserver

ctrl-o to save, ctrl-x to quit
chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf ( so N-M or whatever the flavor dejure is today can't muck with it)
ifdown eth0
gets interface eth0 not found (its still there and unmolested)
ifup eth0 (gets the same answer, not found)
ifconfig shows eth0 without an address.

So whats next? Or, where can I find a recent 6.44 based on debian? I'll just redo the u-sd, and fwiw, etcher doesn't run on this wheezy box, so dd is the tool here.
(06-05-2018, 11:04 AM)gene83 Wrote: So whats next? Or, where can I find a recent 6.44 based on debian? I'll just redo the u-sd, and fwiw, etcher doesn't run on this wheezy box, so dd is the tool here.

You can find all ayufan's 0.6.44 builds here:
I guess I found it, netplan seems to be the new NM.

But no man pages, and I don't know squat about yaml.

I found the man file on-line, but while its about 12 pages on screen, trying to print it only gets me 3 sheets of paper, missing about 8 or 9 pages between page 2 and page 3. This fwiw is palemoon on wheezy. So that is no help at all even if it can make your morning coffee.

So I either need a url for the debian version, or a lot of tutoring.

Thanks all;

Cheers, Gene
If your purpose is to use "Static IP Addresses" on "bionic-lxde-rock64-0.6.44-239-arm64.img",
it will be helpful to refer to the following.

"Netplan configuration examples"

The following is an example.
(*It is a yaml file, so be careful of indent)
And, there is no need to change other files. (ex. /etc/resolv.conf: symbolic-link)

First login
# cp -a /etc/netplan/eth0.yaml /etc/netplan/eth0.yaml.bak
# cat /etc/netplan/eth0.yaml    #// Confirm yaml file
 version: 2
 renderer: networkd
     dhcp4: true

# vi /etc/netplan/eth0.yaml    #// Modify yaml file
 version: 2
 renderer: networkd
     dhcp4: false
     addresses: []
       addresses: [,]
     dhcp6: false

# netplan apply
# reboot
(06-05-2018, 05:00 PM)gene83 Wrote: So I either need a url for the debian version, or a lot of tutoring.

Gene, I'd stick with ubuntu for a little longer to see if you can get it to play ball.
When you do get fed up, and want to try debian, go to the link  evilbunny gave ( and get yourself the stretch image - stretch is the codename for debian 9 Wink
(06-06-2018, 04:45 AM)pfeerick Wrote:
(06-05-2018, 05:00 PM)gene83 Wrote: So I either need a url for the debian version, or a lot of tutoring.

Gene, I'd stick with ubuntu for a little longer to see if you can get it to play ball.
When you do get fed up, and want to try debian, go to the link  evilbunny gave ( and get yourself the stretch image - stretch is the codename for debian 9 Wink

That I have done, but haven't yet put it on the u-sd.  That isn't made easier by this forums sw though, as it throws away quite a few characters in the middle of a copy/pasted url. The one thing I don't care for is the total lack of a gui in the debian images, and it doesn't want to reboot clean due to a timeout in the login process. If it times out, it takes a full powerdown reboot to re-enable the login. Sometimes more than once.

I'd much prefer the debian version as at the end of this project, that is what LinuxCNC runs best on, because this is intended at some point, to replace a pi-3b running a jessie install thats running a 70 yo Sheldon 11x54" lathe I have converted to cnc.

The pi-3b is running it well, but the internal usb2 hub makes getting the code to run the lathe into its u-sd card a major PITA because it likes to throw away both local keyboard and mouse events, and its panic time when jogging the machine, and it throws away the keyup, leaving the machine running until you can pound on the keyboard or mouse to get its attention again,

One can reboot the pi and alleviate much of that, but it may take 2-5 reboots to achieve. Something is not being properly initialized every time. It also forgets the key repeat speed going to about 1000 chars a second when it kicks in.

  So far, the rock64 has never exhibited this behavior.  This also makes it difficult to fire up an editor and write code on the pi's usb dongle keyboard, its a heck of a lot less frustration to write the code someplace else and sshfs it back to the pi.

The interface driver will, in addition to building and installing a rt-prempt kernel, need to have some code excised that makes sure its running on a pi3b, then adapted to run the spi port at up to 25 megabaud or more. he pi is currently talking to the interface card at 41 megabaud, and getting the data stream back at 25 megabaud. The pi3b is running debian 8, aka jessie. The throw away keyboard events caused me to add a pair of 100 ppr encoder dials on the lathes new apron, which puts the jog commands into it thru the interface card and spi path, where it works flawlessly,.

So there are 2 problems to solve before I can unbolt the pi and bolt in the rock64. So today I'll burn the debian image, get the network working, and do a task install of xfce or lxde. Then find out if the adapter I bought, will put a 60GB SSD on the usb3 port, dmesg says its recognized ok. With that working then I can do kernel building on something with some speed. I have built a realtime kernel on this rock64 in under an hour, But the $50 spiinning rust drive took a dose of cyanide.  All work lost as I couldn't add it to the amanda disklist, it crashed the instant the server tried to access it to do the backups.  Another problem to solve.

Hopefully this will run at a greater color depth than the pi's framebuffer video does.
It seems to, I can at least see the pulldowns when running synaptic. Because anything near white is just white on the pi, pulldown menu's are very hard to see.

Once I get a realtime kernel built, I'll be back asking how to install it.

Many Thanks for the help so far.

Cheers, gene83
(06-06-2018, 06:55 AM)gene83 Wrote: That I have done, but haven't yet put it on the u-sd.  That isn't made easier by this forums sw though, as it throws away quite a few characters in the middle of a copy/pasted url. The one thing I don't care for is the total lack of a gui in the debian images, and it doesn't want to reboot clean due to a timeout in the login process. If it times out, it takes a full powerdown reboot to re-enable the login. Sometimes more than once.

If you want a gui on debian try the mate image... I don't think there is any reboot issues...

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