Can the Pine A64 do this, to do a photo image(Nikon JPG & NEF) transfer directly from a SD card into a usb HDD. this will good for travel photographer.
Jimmy Chiau
I think it would work for this purpose but it might take a lot of work to get it into a functional and portable enclosure that could be taken in travel bags. It is definatly possible to use a USB SD card reader and a hard drive but you would also need a USB Expanion for a mouse/keyboard as well as a portable display. Good luck with your PortaPhotoHarddrive!
i am getting A64 with a touch screen will this ease the display, keyboard and mouse issues?
thank. my plan is just carry A64 with touch screen, one card reader and one SSD HD for my travel photographic, each evening just backup the photo from SD card and save into the SSD HD, that way i dun have to carry to many memory card anymore...
That sounds like a good way to solve the problem SSD use around the right amount of power I belive
I've had some USB disks with Y cables, where one cable plugs into the computer for data, and the other cable provides power. You could use a second USB wall wart to power the disk (or getting a single wall wart with multiple USB plugs).