(12-06-2023, 08:09 AM)anonymous Wrote: Actually, I tried to use the LibreM 5 but it was very hot, I could pan-fry an egg on it. When it got colder, I didn't succeed in using it like a USB drive, I wanted to copy some files. I have used my Pinephone since the end of November 2020 (more or less, the first one lasted 2 years) as I explained here. Saturday December 2nd 2023, I succeeded in scanning a QR code for the very first time with this device. For sure, my Pinephone won't end up in a drawer with obsolete purchases, I'll give it to someone else if I start using my LibreM 5 daily. It does the job, my biggest concern is the lack of flawless MMS support with multiple APNs. I don't need a popular device.
3 years are enough to consider me as a longtime Pinephone owner, aren't they?
3 years is longtime owner, yes
If you need reliable mms and your carrier has different apn for data and mms here is step by step instructions for good enough solution.
I have been using this over a year with excellect succees.
1. Trough system settings activate and allow your data connection and mms connection and write the apn names down
2. Leave the data apn activated trough system settings
3. Set your mms apn details to chatty
4. But this bash script to ~./mms and name it as mms.sh (make it also executable by sudo chmod +x mms.sh)
while :
if [ -e /home/user/.mms/modemmanager/*.status ]; then
nmcli c up mms && sleep 15 && nmcli c up internet && sleep 30
if [ -e /home/user/.mms/modemmanager/*.status ]; then
notify-send MMS "Potential error when proceeding mms - $(date +"%H:%M")" -i email
mv /home/user/.mms/modemmanager/*.status /home/user/.mms/error/
sleep 5
5. Create folder named error under ~/.mms
6. Add this desktop file to ~/.config/autostart
[Desktop Entry]
Name=MMS Switch
Comment=Start MMS APN Switch
Exec=bash -c '/home/user/.mms/mms.sh'
Remember to change your home folder path if you use different username than user.
And also remember to change correct apn names after "nmcli c up" - my carrier uses mms and internet so they are easy to use. If you carrier uses name which multiply words you need to use "" marks - like nmcli c up "mms apn"
Hope it helps