Updating sensors notification
After ignoring my PineWatch for many months finally got it updated and running. Took me awhile to figure out how to keep it always connected via BLE, but now everything is working well.

At the moment it's nice just having the time and notifications. But I keep getting this extra notification that is turning out to be a bit annoying

'Updating sensors' comes up and scrolls across the top of the watch. But what is mostly annoying is the small vibration which makes me think there is a valid notification on the phone (and this keeps happening at night while sleeping)

Is there any way to turn that off, but keep getting all the other notifications from the phone?
If you're using GadgetBridge its notification settings allow you to configure which to send on a per-app basis. There is a basic allow/deny but also a filter for matching text.
(04-30-2022, 02:29 AM)wibble Wrote: If you're using GadgetBridge its notification settings allow you to configure which to send on a per-app basis. There is a basic allow/deny but also a filter for matching text.

Found it! Thanks. Exactly what I was looking for!

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