11-21-2020, 10:17 PM
(11-19-2020, 02:53 PM)ltorsini Wrote: I'm a huge fan of the old-school Pine64 and have been using both my 64 nonstop since the original weatherproof case builds in 2016: https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=2023 I'm not sure what happened to the photos, if an admin would be inclined to help I'd be happy to upload them again.
One is running OpenHAB2 (wish someone smarter than me would port OpenHAB3!) to control the vast number of IoT devices in my lab/home. It hasn't skipped a beat and has reliably run the place for a couple of years. The second is running a recently crashed version of Android and is the reason I am kicking around the OG 64 forum to see if there are any stellar Android images here that might use the zigbee/zwave module and manage the GPIO pinouts... doubtful but worth the look.
Anyway, FWIW this project has far exceeded my expectations and I'll be using these OG 64s until they release their magic smoke.
Thanks, glad to know the old horse still keep running :-)