Browser Wars - FF - Chrome - Midori
(11-18-2016, 04:37 PM)MarkHaysHarris777 Wrote: hi rickseiden,  your best option for browsing using the Pine board and gnu+linux ( debian ) is midori.

( youtubes will be a slide show, but the audio is fantastic )

The video is the pine board, not midori.  Firefox is not going to work, period.  The problem is that not enough people are using arm64 'firefox' to make it a development priority !  At this moment in time browsing on the Pine board is best with midori;  I use it all the time.

Midori does have a memory leak; over time it will exhaust your RAM and the machine will get sluggish and crash if you don't monitor it. Keep your tabs minimal, and from time to time ( at least once or twice a day ) close midori and reopen it ( it will restore your tabs )  and this will keep the memory leak in check.

Thanks for the info.  If FF doesn't work, period, why is it included in the distribution.

I'm a little disappointed in the video play back.  No, a lot disappointed.  I got the Pine64 hoping to use it as a second computer with very low requirements.  1) I need to be able to browse the web. 2) I need to be able to watch videos. 3) I need to be able to program an Arduino.  I can do 1 and 3, but apparently not 2.  That's not good.

Thanks again,

I have a question about your statement that the video was the Pine and not Midori.  I've also booted into RemixOS, and running Chrome there, video is pretty much fine.  It's not like running it on my laptop, but it's not bad at all.  Why can the Pine64 run video under RemixOS and not Debian?  It's got to be a driver issue, right?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Browser Wars - FF - Chrome - Midori - by rickseiden - 11-18-2016, 08:30 PM
RE: Browser Wars - FF - Chrome - Midori - by Luke - 11-19-2016, 07:46 AM

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