upgrade misshap
Hello everyone, I just got my pinephone pro, and i started it up, created an account and all that jazz. I go to update it through the discover app, and im having trouble doing the update, so I went to the terminal and typed sudo pacman -Syu and let it do its thing, it updated and all that but when it came back the background had changed (figured it came with a new update) and it said add your favorite apps so I attempt to go into the terminal and it opens but nothing is there but the back ground. You there's no black screen, there's no keyboard just the tabs at the end (even if i rotate the phone). Settings will not even open. I've restarted it but I don't know how to fix the issue. when it rebooted it did go to a screen and i changed something to see what it was about but now i don't know how to go back to it to change it back.

Messages In This Thread
upgrade misshap - by Lemons - 02-16-2023, 07:18 PM
RE: upgrade misshap - by Kevin Kofler - 02-19-2023, 11:53 PM

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