Serial console using usb2serial adapter?
I got it working
sudo systemctl enable getty@ttyUSB0.service
By default connecting at 9600 8N1 works.
Even if the USB2serial isn't present at boot, it seems to work when you do plug it in.

It also means that you can have a "normal" OS on eMMC, which doesn't have the serial console thing, and put Manjaro with the above config on a MicroSD card as a "rescue" OS.
If the normal one isn't doing what you want, turn off the box, put the microSD card in, connect a USBtoSerial->nullmodem->serialtoUSB->laptop and boot up the microSD and you have a linux console.

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RE: Serial console using usb2serial adapter? - by dieselnutjob - 10-31-2021, 04:52 PM

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