(05-14-2016, 07:14 PM)preimmortal Wrote: Hi all,
I am using the latest version of longsleep's Ubuntu to set up a samba server.
After setting the server up and accessing the samba server through my desktop, I transferred a large file directly to the SD card.
To test the read speed, I started a transfer from the Pine to my Desktop.
Despite having gigabit ethernet, I seem to only be able to get speeds of 2 MB/s to 5 MB/s.
Any ideas what could be going on here?
Could I refer you to this section of the form Ethernet Port, there's a number of topics under discussion there on ethernet port speed. Also what model are you using?
I would start by doing some basic network performance testing, I was luck enough to have a another Linux machine, so I used iperf which has to be installed on both machines. here a guide to using it...