03-09-2021, 11:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2021, 11:48 PM by globaltree.
Edit Reason: chaned an "are" to an "our"
Lenovo too... yikes.
Threat Model : Within the VPN, on homeschool group's intranet (just inward facing httpd accessible from vpn ips, but not from public ips), we want to host custom software for our group that lets us vote on our group's policies. This software is just postgesql backing https. I use lisp, so the application server is actually hunchentoot, using postmodern to connect to postgres... There's a windows guy that knows some java in our group: we don't get along that well; but his device would have a tunnel to the openvpn intranet, and so I have to consider internal threats as well as external. Externally, I think our parents are more worried about creeps spying on their daughters than amazon ringing law enforcement; other than protecting our "election app," I mainly want to protect privacy on principle. When I hear of a threat, I want to mitigate it to the best of my ability. I guess there isn't a way to completely harden any app; I just want to do my best, and know that it's more protection than we had before, using our lenovos, and apples, androids, and the full gambit of what they've got now.
As far as my lenovo: I ran windows on it for a couple of hours when I first got it, to give it the most recent bios update before wiping it (with dd if=/urandom) and installing luks+lvm and then linux. Here's what it's neofetch says:
It's nearing its EOL, and I'm hunting something safe and cheap. Them System76s are pricey, but at they do have good rep as far as integrity -- I don't think they're installing spyware... Do you have any other recommendations as far as reputable manufacturers with minimized blobs?
Threat Model : Within the VPN, on homeschool group's intranet (just inward facing httpd accessible from vpn ips, but not from public ips), we want to host custom software for our group that lets us vote on our group's policies. This software is just postgesql backing https. I use lisp, so the application server is actually hunchentoot, using postmodern to connect to postgres... There's a windows guy that knows some java in our group: we don't get along that well; but his device would have a tunnel to the openvpn intranet, and so I have to consider internal threats as well as external. Externally, I think our parents are more worried about creeps spying on their daughters than amazon ringing law enforcement; other than protecting our "election app," I mainly want to protect privacy on principle. When I hear of a threat, I want to mitigate it to the best of my ability. I guess there isn't a way to completely harden any app; I just want to do my best, and know that it's more protection than we had before, using our lenovos, and apples, androids, and the full gambit of what they've got now.
As far as my lenovo: I ran windows on it for a couple of hours when I first got it, to give it the most recent bios update before wiping it (with dd if=/urandom) and installing luks+lvm and then linux. Here's what it's neofetch says:
::::::: papa@papaz.example.com
::::::::::::::::::: -------------------------
::::::::::::::::::::::::: OS: Slackware 14.2 x86_64 (post 14.2 -current) x86_64
::::::::cllcccccllllllll:::::: Host: 80ST Lenovo ideapad 310-15ABR
:::::::::lc dc::::::: Kernel: 5.10.20
::::::::cl clllccllll oc::::::::: Uptime: 3 days, 1 hour, 20 mins
:::::::::o lc::::::::co oc:::::::::: Packages: 1825 (pkgtool)
::::::::::o cccclc:::::clcc:::::::::::: Shell: zsh 5.8
:::::::::::lc cclccclc::::::::::::: Resolution: 1366x768, 1920x1080
::::::::::::::lcclcc lc:::::::::::: WM: stumpwm
::::::::::cclcc:::::lccclc oc::::::::::: Theme: Breeze [GTK2/3]
::::::::::o l::::::::::l lc::::::::::: Icons: breeze [GTK2/3]
:::::cll:o clcllcccll o::::::::::: Terminal: xfce4-terminal
:::::occ:o clc::::::::::: Terminal Font: Monospace 12
::::ocl:ccslclccclclccclclc::::::::::::: CPU: AMD A12-9700P RADEON R7 4C+6G (4) @ 2.500GHz
:::oclcccccccccccccllllllllllllll::::: GPU: AMD ATI Radeon R5/R6/R7 Graphics
::lcc1lcccccccccccccccccccccccco:::: Memory: 1765MiB / 11427MiB
It's nearing its EOL, and I'm hunting something safe and cheap. Them System76s are pricey, but at they do have good rep as far as integrity -- I don't think they're installing spyware... Do you have any other recommendations as far as reputable manufacturers with minimized blobs?