How long does it take to get a reply in a ticket?
If you think you might try for that refund within 6 months, consider that you have months to decide to do that. Let's see if someone here can help you resurrect that phone in the meanwhile. It seems to me that I've read about a problem like this here before. But I don't really know much about the PinePhone. I have better ideas about what I'd do with a Pinebook Pro if it did that.

I'd peruse the PinePhone forums here a and maybe post your symptoms there.

If the situation gets dire, you can call the attention of tllm (simply by putting an @ in front of tllm) and he can help you with a return or refund. But first let's see if we can get it working.

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RE: How long does it take to get a reply in a ticket? - by KC9UDX - 10-13-2020, 01:55 PM

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