09-08-2020, 03:28 PM
I can't execute the command in Phosh for some reason! Nothing opens.
Response from Alpine Linux Chat:
"<user1> Please don't launch GUI apps with root
<user1> Doesn't work on any Wayland environment
<user1> You could make a simple bash script that copies the file to $(mktemp -d)/file, opens that with gedit and sudo cp the temp file
<user2> EDITOR=gedit sudoedit?
<user1> Right, that does basically that, right?"
Response from Alpine Linux Chat:
"<user1> Please don't launch GUI apps with root
<user1> Doesn't work on any Wayland environment
<user1> You could make a simple bash script that copies the file to $(mktemp -d)/file, opens that with gedit and sudo cp the temp file
<user2> EDITOR=gedit sudoedit?
<user1> Right, that does basically that, right?"