07-09-2020, 10:07 PM
(06-02-2020, 03:01 AM)danielt Wrote: This is a difficult question to answer, if because AFAIK none of the existing OS for PineTime can really be regarded as feature complete at this stage. I'm the main developer for wasp-os so I'm don't want to do a feature by feature comparison since my bias would probably be pretty obvious... However do let me try some shameless self promotion instead:
If you're interested in what wasp-os can already do then see the documentation or perhaps the most recent video (although since that video was shot I have added a slider widget to the settings app). To see what (I think) is still missing then take a look at the roadmap.
There... self promotion over!
Looking more widely even without being feature complete the PineTime is still usable as a timepiece. I've been wearing my PineTime daily for a couple of months now and I suspect other developers have as well. If you are interested in all the options there is a list of all the PineTime OS projects on the PineTime wiki and there are lots of other interesting videos of some the other PineTime operating systems if you go looking (the Littlevgl demos that exploit the scrolling hardware often look especially slick). I should probably also call out the bootloader plumbing work that @lupyuen is currently doing since that will make it easier to do OTA updates to swap between the different OS projects.
Thanks. It seems to me after looking through the list of Operating Systems on the wiki that Wasp OS is most likely the most polished. I also love the expandability of it. Thanks for developing Wasp OS and for pointing me in the right direction.