(07-09-2020, 07:09 PM)AkiraSensei Wrote: Well that's the thing. I don't want to run it headless. On paper, the Rock64 is more powerful than a Raspberry Pi 3, which I also have. But no OS that I'm aware of runs Linux well without it being headless. To have one just to work as a NAS alone is such a waste for me when the RPi3 can do more than just that under Raspbian (but with lower bandwidth, of course).
Since the Rock64 has true GigE (vs. USB attached GigE), it VERY SIGNIFICANTLY outperforms all RPi3B/B+ systems. At this super low price point, I use all my Rock64's as dedicated appliances. And, they are fantastic performers. I've tested this extensively.
However, if you are wanting stellar desktop performance, I don't know of any solution in this category. A RPi4B will come the closest. But, IMHO, even the RPi4B still isn't there for most applications.....REALISTICALLY.
If you desire a lower power and lower temperature solution, the Rock64 still wins. Couple one of these boards with a cost-effective VLAN switch (like the Dlink 1100-8) and you've got a POWERFUL wire-speed VLAN/VPN router at a great price point.
For my desktop workstation (running x.org) that I'm typing this from, it's a Ryzen3, running Ubuntu 18.04.