Dev 53 - Huge improvement - Thank you
(06-18-2020, 02:29 PM)bingo600 Wrote: @gevrik

How do you install ie. Dev 52 on an SD card ??
I see 2 files : bmap & xz

I suppose we xtraxt the xz and either dd or "etcher" the image , but the bmap is that just used for eMMC , what to do with that one ?

I ignore the bmap file. With Nautilus on Gnome you can right-click the xz file and use Disk Image Writer to write that directly to the card. DD and Etcher should work well, too.

Once you're up and running with the image go to Settings > Updates and in "channel" choose "Development". But with #52 you do not even need to do that, the "stable" release has all the good stuff running by default.

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RE: Dev 53 - Huge improvement - Thank you - by gevrik - 06-19-2020, 02:08 AM

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