Official manjaro-arm support fort the pineH64 is added to manjaro-arm-tools. So the only thing you have to do to build your PineH64 image is installing manjaro-arm-tools and the profiles and then running this command (build is approx 10 minutes):
sudo buildarmimg -d pine-h64 -e "your-favourite-de"
but change"your favorite DE" by one from the list with supported DE's:
─ cubocore
─ gnome
─ i3
─ kde-plasma
─ lxqt
─ mate
─ mate-fta
─ minimal
─ plasma-mobile
─ server
─ wayfire
─ xfce
sudo buildarmimg -d pine-h64 -e "your-favourite-de"
but change"your favorite DE" by one from the list with supported DE's:
─ cubocore
─ gnome
─ i3
─ kde-plasma
─ lxqt
─ mate
─ mate-fta
─ minimal
─ plasma-mobile
─ server
─ wayfire
─ xfce