Found these Rock64 instructions googling the baud rate It says to use "minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 1500000 -8" Is that right? 115200 is the standard and what I tried. Maybe it rounds to the same thing.
That was it, it uses a non-standard baud rate:
Now I need to get my OpenBSD miniroot and uboot set back up on the SD since I replaced them with NetBSD. I never would have thought of trying 1500000. Oh, it's not just rounding, it's 13.02~ times as fast. 115200 is the fastest normal Minicom speed:
The krjdev instructions are interesting, there's no dding in with an offset, you dd the flash spi first and use it, then dd the miniroot and boot it. -->with a normal 115200 baud rate<-- run the installer, do the install, reboot and it's running OpenBSD.
1500000 baud is apparently only for flashing the SPI. Which is maybe not what I want to do since I mostly want to use Linux. But 1500000 baud matches the speed it's running at, with NetBSD anyway.
That was it, it uses a non-standard baud rate:
>> NetBSD/evbarm efiboot (arm64), Revision 1.13 (Fri Mar 1 2020)
Press return to boot now, any other key for 0 seconds.
open netbsd: Invalid argument
bo0 seconds.
open netbsd.gz: Invalid argument
boot: netbsd.gz: Invalid argument
booting onetbsd -0 seconds.
open onetbsd: Invalid argument
0 seconds.
open onetbsd.gz: Invalid argument
boot: onetbsd.gz: In0 seconds.
0 seconds. : Invalid argument
open netbsd.old.gz: Invalid argumenargument
Now I need to get my OpenBSD miniroot and uboot set back up on the SD since I replaced them with NetBSD. I never would have thought of trying 1500000. Oh, it's not just rounding, it's 13.02~ times as fast. 115200 is the fastest normal Minicom speed:
Press return to boot n+---------[Comm Parameters]----------+
open netbsd: Invalid a| |
bo0 seconds. | Current: 1500000 8N1 |
open netbsd.gz: Invali| Speed Parity Data |
boot: netbsd.gz: Inval| A: <next> L: None S: 5 |
booting onetbsd -0 sec| B: <prev> M: Even T: 6 |
open onetbsd: Invalid | C: 9600 N: Odd U: 7 |
0 seconds. | D: 38400 O: Mark V: 8 |
open onetbsd.gz: Inval| E: 115200 P: Space |
boot: onetbsd.gz: In0 | |
0 seconds. : Inval| Stopbits |
open netbsd.old.gz: In| W: 1 Q: 8-N-1 |
> | X: 2 R: 7-E-1 |
| |
| |
| Choice, or <Enter> to exit? |
1500000 baud is apparently only for flashing the SPI. Which is maybe not what I want to do since I mostly want to use Linux. But 1500000 baud matches the speed it's running at, with NetBSD anyway.