OK, cable came, I tried the 3 fastest baud rates with 8N1 parity, just got gibberish. There's text there, probably the normal installer text. More than a line of it. I should try random parity settings I guess, using Minicom, looked a little for something that would auto-set the communications parameters but I didn't find anything. It's a USB plug otherwise I'd look at it with xoscope maybe. My real oscilosope is analog, no help there.
Yeah, 115200 bits/second is 0.00000868055555555556 seconds/bit (8.6 usec) by apcalc. xoscope goes down to 10 microseconds/division (probably depends on the sound card). Might almost work if I had a USB breakout box. I'd need to hook a soundcard input channel into a USB connector. I don't remember if it's differential or not, possibly.
Yeah, 115200 bits/second is 0.00000868055555555556 seconds/bit (8.6 usec) by apcalc. xoscope goes down to 10 microseconds/division (probably depends on the sound card). Might almost work if I had a USB breakout box. I'd need to hook a soundcard input channel into a USB connector. I don't remember if it's differential or not, possibly.