(04-18-2016, 12:55 AM)tkaiser Wrote: Look, this is month 5 of being here (using a 2nd Account in the meantime). At least the last 2 months it's pretty obvious what the real problem here is: Lack of documentation as you already said. (etc. ...)
right, @tkaiser. i hear your frustration. but the same is true of all low-cost hobby-board computing, as i've pointed out. go look at the docs available for beagle board — i dare ya, nay, i DOUBLE DAWG darez ya, to try and flash a beagle board and re-load the default factory OS software on a first pass through the info on the docs available. it ain't easy, and without further help or searching, you're more than likely to wind up with a brick with a cute flashing led light on it.
we all paid $15 - $36 (or a bit more, depending on accessories) (plus shipping) to get these first run boards from the kickstarter campaign. i am not saying you should not get what was promised when you paid for it, but for $36 US, i do not expect a tremendous amount of handholding like i'm at the apple store genius bar + a latte with my favorite torani syrup (creme de menthe) in it and an almond biscotti. i expect there will be many, many, many google searches, hunting and pecking around, and banging my head against the wiki and forums here. in that process, i will learn some things about different flavors of linux OS and their utilities, i'll learn a bit about EE and pin-outs and a bit about soldering, and then share it back here and/or on the wiki. the Pine64 folk will, eventually, probably take these posts and docs, review them, edit them with what they know to be the more technically accurate info, and add to the wiki and/or a knowledge base. this is all part of why you get a low-cost hobby board and how you begin to learn about getting into the guts of a machine.
this is why i created a doc like this in the forum for anyone else wanting to compile node.js from source on arch linux, so others would not hit the same walls i did.
so, you're right — no start up guide (at least the way you want to see it). so instead of grousing here and continuing the gadfly approach, which, as you say, after five months, really hasn't gotten any response; how about, instead, you go about creating one (or several - start up guide if you're on windows, on mac os x, on a flavor of linux), or collaborate with others here to start one? then present it as a *.PDF to review here in the forums for review?
that's what others have done for arduino, for raspberry pi, beagle, etc. — i don't have any expectation it will be any different here.
in the meantime, i would really appreciate my thread not being hijacked and getting an answer from someone on how we go about requesting edits to the pine64 wiki, or how we could edit it ourselves. anyone with that info, please chime in. thanx.
— faddah
portland, oregon, u.s.a.
p.s. — ray hightower has been kind enough to create a blog post on getting started on Pine64 with mac os x — maybe you could use this as a template for any start-up guide you write?