Use case: medicine reminder
Hello everybody!

Could you give me your opinion for the feasibility of a little project? I'm a software developer, very familiar with open source, but totally unfamiliar with any hardware tinkering, soldering etc. I can put a plug in a socket, and that's it :-)

For an elderly friend, I'd like to have a watch that shows the time, and which at several times of the day beeps, or vibrates, and shows a message "Please take your medicine now!" and requires some kind of complex action to switch the alarm off. (This could be tapping three times on a button.)

This is more about IoT than "smart". My friend does not use a smartphone, and does not want one. The fact that it wouldn't be connected to a phone or to any kind of network - that's a big advantage here, and the long battery life of the PinePhone looks very attractive.

So, instead of getting an expensive smartwatch and spending days to deactivate everything, I'd love to get a PineTime and spend weeks of tinkering with it. Embedded Rust sounds fun! I'm not pressed for time. If I can get this to work somewhen in 2020 I'm happy. (Until then, there are other reminders in place for my friend.)

My question to you: Does this sound like a feasible plan? Can the PineTime beep or buzz? (On the wiki I only read about the vibration motor.) Can I develop for this watch without soldering - be it by connecting/holding wires, by Bluetooth (no matter if it's slow), by emulators?

Thank you for reading!

Messages In This Thread
Use case: medicine reminder - by cicero - 01-16-2020, 03:18 PM
RE: Use case: medicine reminder - by VMMainFrame - 01-16-2020, 08:05 PM
RE: Use case: medicine reminder - by danielt - 01-20-2020, 05:31 AM

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