08-05-2019, 10:24 AM
(07-19-2019, 05:58 PM)Faradn Wrote: [Using Mate' user/group management utility]
- Log in as rock64/rock64.
- Add user t3st3r1/what3v3r# with administrative rights.
- Log out rock64.
- Log in as t3st3r1/what3v3r#.
- Delete account rock64.
- Log out t3st3r1.
Now it's just the lightDM login screen with t3st3r1 and rock64 (??).
No mouse cursor.
Blinking '|' in password text edit.
I cannot log in.
Remote access with SSH works fine.
What can I do to get my t3st3r1 lightDM login to work?
Yesterday had similar problem with another distributive from parallel topic. I was able to login into Ctrl+Alt+F1 console but can't through display manager. It turns out that DM uses different characters than text console (and SSH client). You need explicitly setup your locale and language.