07-09-2019, 10:54 PM
More detail
@vicsanca, not sure what board you have, I have the H64-B. I'm using a Samsung EVO+ 32G and the 128G SD cards.
The post here: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/10818-pine-h64-wont-start-with-armbian/ says sometimes Armbian works, sometimes it doesn't.
I requested a "Last known good configuration" URL posted if the "Ready to test" builds are really that unstable.
Turns out, it's not supposed to work at all.
Armbian support:
Asking Armbian to document WHICH board they support (A or B) as well as the "last known good" configuration (considering the first email trail said that the builds may or may not work), is apparently a waste. My request for specificity was rejected.
In the spirit of open source, I'd make the change myself, but of course can't contribute because they have the forum locked down for spammers.
So this is apparently the only note that will let you know we're screwed if we purchase off the PineH64 store today, and want Armbian to work.
Armbian support:
Emphasis character attributes mine.
== John ==
@vicsanca, not sure what board you have, I have the H64-B. I'm using a Samsung EVO+ 32G and the 128G SD cards.
The post here: https://forum.armbian.com/topic/10818-pine-h64-wont-start-with-armbian/ says sometimes Armbian works, sometimes it doesn't.
I requested a "Last known good configuration" URL posted if the "Ready to test" builds are really that unstable.
Turns out, it's not supposed to work at all.
Armbian support:
Quote:You are using a board that we don't support at all (even it could just work) and you wasted few hours of my time for nothing at all?
Asking Armbian to document WHICH board they support (A or B) as well as the "last known good" configuration (considering the first email trail said that the builds may or may not work), is apparently a waste. My request for specificity was rejected.
In the spirit of open source, I'd make the change myself, but of course can't contribute because they have the forum locked down for spammers.
So this is apparently the only note that will let you know we're screwed if we purchase off the PineH64 store today, and want Armbian to work.
Armbian support:
Quote:Bard [sic] support costs are estimated to start at 20.000 EUR/year and you and neither HW maker pays virtually nothing. Solo this is a reason to do absolutely nothing when it comes to add support for yet another hardware. Use Android or whatever junk is supplied by the board maker.
Emphasis character attributes mine.
== John ==