Hi @hisstone,
sorry for not replying, kinda forgot about that topic, and notification didn't reach me, hmm.
Did you fix this problem? If not, do you flash generated sdcard.img or do you flash it manually? There should be sdcard.img which has all ofset in place, so it's as easy as
dd if=sdcard.img of=/dev/mmcblkp0
I'll try to compile with buildroot 2019.2 and check this out.
Patch has been merged into buildroot, but if you still want to test this, steps are really easy. Clone newest buildroot, then
Just make sure /dev/mmcblk0 (or /dev/sdb if you are using usb2mmc coverter) is really your sd card, or you can mess up your disk!
sorry for not replying, kinda forgot about that topic, and notification didn't reach me, hmm.
Did you fix this problem? If not, do you flash generated sdcard.img or do you flash it manually? There should be sdcard.img which has all ofset in place, so it's as easy as
dd if=sdcard.img of=/dev/mmcblkp0
I'll try to compile with buildroot 2019.2 and check this out.
Patch has been merged into buildroot, but if you still want to test this, steps are really easy. Clone newest buildroot, then
make rock64_defconfig
cd output/images
sudo dd if=sdcard.img of=/dev/mmcblk0
Just make sure /dev/mmcblk0 (or /dev/sdb if you are using usb2mmc coverter) is really your sd card, or you can mess up your disk!