12-23-2018, 08:37 AM
(12-22-2018, 03:52 PM)tuxd3v Wrote:(12-22-2018, 01:58 PM)stFfn Wrote: I Use stretch-openmediavault-rockpro64-0.7.9-1067-armhf
last time i used the arm64 version and not the HF version and i didnt have this issue...
It seems that you are in a 32 bits OS...maybe that is the problem..
Because ATS is compiled for armv8 64bits.
What I don't understand is the complai about Lua Version, it should give another error, with a 32 bits lua VM..
What is the output of this command:
Code:apt-cache policy lua5.3 lua5.3-dev
You are installing from Master Right?
Code:luarocks build https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tuxd3v/ats/master/ats-master-0.rockspec
i´ve tryed the 64 install as well. and yes i used ur master. but it seemed that i could not use luarocks.. it saied no bash or something. im not home right now so i cant test.
have you any sugestions?