(11-26-2018, 05:19 PM)z4v4l Wrote: you need to look at the uboot environment. also - in the boot.cmd and armbianEnv.txt.
you can figure out the cause of the problem there and fix it.
Puah, I've been staring at boot.cmd now for 2 hours, trying to find answers to life and death.
I'm sure that my problem could be fixed in there with one line but my linux boot procedure skills are between weak and non existant.
I could not find any hints in there, where USB ports or USB controller hubs or something like this are specified.
armbianEnv.txt doesn't contain anything interesting, but arguments for boot.cmd can be specified in there without recompiling boot.cmd.
The boot devices UUID is set in there correctly.
I also saw that a failed boot attemt (with bootdrive in USB3 with another usbdrive in USB2 slot) does not leave any log data. So the bootlock must appear VERY early in the boot procedure.
Should I contact ayufan with this bug? I got the u-boot-flash-spi-rock64.img.xz from his github...
In case anyone cares, find my armbianEnv.txt and boot.cmd attached to this post