Ethernet network keeps dropping!
(08-19-2018, 07:37 AM)Trash_Can_Man Wrote:
(08-18-2018, 08:30 AM)Naass Wrote: Greeting to all the forumers,
I am somehow very frustrated in my purchase of the Rock64.
I thoughty it is straightforward to install and use Libreelec.
I did successfull install it, but it kept crashing!
I decided to gives Kodi on Androidf a try. I flashed the ( image. Everything went fine, but the Ethernet connection keeps dropping!
I tried to have a static IP address instead of using DHCP for no better result!
Any advice on how to resolve this matter?
I also would like to ask if anybody had successfully managed to have higher than 1920x1080p/60 resolution?
Thanks for your help.

While libreelec is still in alpha and somehow unstable, its not unstable enough to be annoying, do you have dissipators on your unit? a good PSU? about the ethernet dropping, try a different ethernet cable, also try with a better cable to solve the resolution problem, allmost any cable can give you 1080p BUT you need a good cable for hdmi 2.0 to get any higher AFAIK...

Libreelec was crashing after 2 to 3 minutes in streaming a live TV! That's for me was more than annoying.
That's why I decided to give Kodi on Android a go. But here with the Ethernet hanging every few minutes, that makes it also unusable!
I use the PSU that I ordered with the Rock64 from Pine64. Whilst the Hdmi cable is the same I was using successfully with my Beelink GT1 running Libreelec.
To be honest, I feel as if I wated my money thinking I will get better performance than the Beelink GT1.
I now decided to try to use it with Plex Media Server on Openmediavault!

Messages In This Thread
Ethernet network keeps dropping! - by Naass - 08-18-2018, 08:30 AM
RE: Ethernet network keeps dropping! - by Naass - 08-19-2018, 01:04 PM
Ethernet network keeps dropping! - by Naass - 08-24-2018, 12:35 PM

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