(06-04-2018, 05:59 PM)pfeerick Wrote: I generally agree with everything you said.But, that also when running a "stressful benchmark"... not "real-world usage".
How about, for example, my rock64 which is running 24/7, with some docker images, and is sat below 50c with the supplied (silver angled) heatsink? Or another one that I have running volumio, which is also running below 50c. And it did run suprisingly well without a heatsink before throttling when maxed out (especially compared to the A64 processor in the previous board). Not that I would recommend that setup though - heatsink whatever your application, and as large a fan as you can put on it so you can turn the speed down to make it virtually silent.
Ok, here's a couple real world examples.
Nico, who did an excellent youtube review did video encoding, and blender rendering, BOTH of which peg the CPU at 100% with loads equivalent to my openssl speed -multi 4 example above. Only way Nico could get the Rock64 to stay cool under those loads was with active fan cooling.
For another really trivial example, I am a linux geek from way back, and like to tinker with the old school xwindows freebies like the OpenGL 3D screen savers.
Try this:
sudo apt-get install rss-glx
cd /usr/lib/xscreensaver/
and run:
This shows two points - 1) Rock64 has only really crappy software OpenGL rendering - and 2) software rendering is not only has really POOR framerate performance, but also really MAXES out the CPU.
Before I figured this out, I nearly fried my not-yet-heatsink-equipped Rock64, by committing the unpardonable sin of forgetting to disable one of these poorly working OpenGL screen savers before leaving the room for a few hours. Although I am really impressed that it didn't "halt and catch fire", I doubt that 3 or 4 hours hitting temperatures as high as 100°C was good for my Rock64's long term reliability.
Tinker Board can support hardware rendered OpenGl with a shim driver to adapt it to Open GL ES, and the Raspberry Pi now has a fairly stable reverse engineered native OpenGL driver.
When enabled in raspi-config, hardware OpenGL 3D rendering lets the technically less powerful Raspberry Pi run the same "skyrocket" OpenGL screen saver MUCH more smoothly, and due to its hardware GPU based rendering, even with no heatsink whatsoever, it still only hits 65-70 °C.
With the multitude of operating systems offered on the Rock64, I would think someone would have got hardware base rendering working (it's pretty much a MUST for Lika or Retropie type game emulation).
I know the question is a bit off topic for this thread, but does anyone know of ANY Desktop image that supports OpenGL on the Rock64 ???