(04-26-2018, 07:58 PM)larsen8989 Wrote: Your completely right and I have the PS-on wire set to turn on the power supply and it will power through DC in pins just fine but if I hook a 5v wire to a microusb and ground wire that's where the problems have been starting.
Ah, good, at least we're talking about the same sort of PSU!
Hm... so the 5v V_STB (pin 9 - standby) isn't coming on? AFAIK, the V_STB line should active all the time the PSU is connected to the mains power, regardless of if you have pulled PS_ON to GND to turn the main supply on. That would suggest there is an actual fault with the power supply. If it's the main 5v and 12v rails, then I would be suggesting you still need to look at a minimum load on either the 5v or the 3.3v power rails...
That's pretty much all I can think of at the moment. As far as powering via the pins or the microUSB, get the power supply outputing the correct voltages first before fiddling with the connection to the pine64. Then you can double check if the connection to the microUSB is ok. (i.e. Use a multimeter when the power supply is turned off, and do a continuity test between the GND pin on the header and the GND coming from the power supply, and then do the same for the 5v. If you don't have continuity, the power supply is NOT the problem, as with the microUSB connected properly to the PSU, there should be continuity).