As t4_4t commented above, the green led is coupled directly to the 5v input to indicate power is present, so you can't control that!
If you do a ...
... that should make the red led flash when there is activity on the eMMC. Change standby-led to power-led if you want the white one to flash. Replace mmc0 with mmc1 if you are using a SD card. Note that it only flash when there is activity on the specified device, not when there is activity on other devices (i.e. it will only flash when there is activity on the microSD if set to mmc1, and will not flash if it was set to mmc0).
I'll leave it to someone else to explain how to make it stick... as this setting will be lost on reboot. DTS overlay? Or just shove it in rc.local?
If you do a ...
sudo sh -c "echo 'mmc0' > /sys/devices/platform/leds/leds/standby-led/trigger"
... that should make the red led flash when there is activity on the eMMC. Change standby-led to power-led if you want the white one to flash. Replace mmc0 with mmc1 if you are using a SD card. Note that it only flash when there is activity on the specified device, not when there is activity on other devices (i.e. it will only flash when there is activity on the microSD if set to mmc1, and will not flash if it was set to mmc0).
I'll leave it to someone else to explain how to make it stick... as this setting will be lost on reboot. DTS overlay? Or just shove it in rc.local?