+LTS/SOPINE Technical query regarding SoPine 64 SOM Pin-out.

Good day!

I am Madhuwesly, working on a SoPine 64 SOM based Development board. Could you please clarify my following doubts which I came across while developing schematics:


We encountered with few differences between the provided SOPINE-A64 connector pin assignments sheet - (http://files.pine64.org/doc/SOPINE-A64/S...er-1.0.pdf) and reference schematics of baseboard and SoPine-A64 SOM - (http://files.pine64.org/doc/SOPINE-A64/S...er-0.9.pdf

Query 1: Could you please tell me which one I have to consider as correct one for the SoPine-A64 SOM shown in the pine64 website home page?

Query 2: Could you please let me know how can I get the reference documents for your latest SoPine-A64 SOM ?

Awaiting your reply.

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Technical query regarding SoPine 64 SOM Pin-out. - by Madhuwesly - 03-30-2018, 09:57 PM

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