I agree with you, it's a nuisance.
But as you know, sometimes you just don't have the pin count to do anything else.
I don't have any pressing data that goes via SPI. I gave up trying to use it as a formidable transport bus many years ago. I move all realtime code to the MCU. I download code to be programmed, set parameters, and obtain status info only.
Since I'm not sure at this point how the SPI_CSN1_M0 is used with the SPI_xxxx_M2 pins I think I'll just bit-bang this in a kernel module and chain to the hi-res timer as the clock.
But as you know, sometimes you just don't have the pin count to do anything else.
I don't have any pressing data that goes via SPI. I gave up trying to use it as a formidable transport bus many years ago. I move all realtime code to the MCU. I download code to be programmed, set parameters, and obtain status info only.
Since I'm not sure at this point how the SPI_CSN1_M0 is used with the SPI_xxxx_M2 pins I think I'll just bit-bang this in a kernel module and chain to the hi-res timer as the clock.