I'm just using a GPIO for a select line and I'm going to heavily modify the kernel module that handles SPI.
I have boards I've built for BeagleBone and Pi that depend on an SPI interface. They are realtime, so I can't depend on USB.
I chose Rock64 as the next platform because of the same reasons you did. I was just looking to clarify things, not complain. Every piece of hardware has erratas, anomalies and bugs. I brought up the Pi only because they named the header Pi-2 and it closely matches the Pi.
I learned on another thread that pins 23 and 24 are swapped on the current board. (As of January 9, 2018). Someone on the IRC channel told me they would be swapped back in the future.
I have boards I've built for BeagleBone and Pi that depend on an SPI interface. They are realtime, so I can't depend on USB.
I chose Rock64 as the next platform because of the same reasons you did. I was just looking to clarify things, not complain. Every piece of hardware has erratas, anomalies and bugs. I brought up the Pi only because they named the header Pi-2 and it closely matches the Pi.
I learned on another thread that pins 23 and 24 are swapped on the current board. (As of January 9, 2018). Someone on the IRC channel told me they would be swapped back in the future.