(01-02-2018, 05:40 PM)bencrosby Wrote: Question 1: If so, how does one use the SPI interface on the Pi-2 bus without also addressing the onboard 128M Flash ?
Question 2: What was the purpose of exposing SPI_CSN1_M0 to the header when the rest of SPI_M0 is inaccessible ?
I am asking the same questions: https://forum.pine64.org/showthread.php?tid=5526
SPI_CSN1_M0 appears to be unusable as anything. And the SPI port on the 40-pin header does not have an "automatic" SPI chip select. Another GPIO will have to be used for it. Now I'm wondering if the usual Linux SPI kernel module will even allow cycles on SPI Module2 with this board. There are no chip selects available here...
Perhaps they got lost on the idea of allowing users to access the on-board flash and forgot about random uses of SPI.
I'm also not sure why there are NO CONNECTS on 11, 29 and 31. They're designated as valid GPIO and these are GPIO on the Raspberry Pi series.