usermod and processes
Tried to simply add a new user. Can add user, and CLI login, but no GUI desktop login.

Fresh install xenial-mate-rock64-0.5.15-136-arm64.img.xz on SD card via Etcher on ubuntu 16.04

Boot to GUI login -> ctl-alt-f1 to terminal

Change sudo password:
Login as root -
sudo su
change password
set it
adduser <nickname>
set password
set Full name - <Wholefirstname>
leave room/email/phone blank
GUI Login shows users: Rock64 and <Wholefirstname>
select <Wholefirstname>
use <nickname> password
reports: Incorrect password, please try again
And no combination of old and new user or root passwords work. Is there a step I am missing to simply add a user? Eventually I want Rock64 user replaced with my name, but keep the hostname as Rock64. I have tried changing the Rock64 user name as in previous posts, and now tried to add a user, and all with the same outcome (when commands and permissions done correctly) - Incorrect password, please try again

Messages In This Thread
usermod and processes - by TrekkingBob - 01-05-2018, 09:50 AM
RE: usermod and processes - by dkryder - 01-05-2018, 12:29 PM
RE: usermod and processes - by TrekkingBob - 01-07-2018, 01:13 PM
RE: usermod and processes - by TrekkingBob - 01-07-2018, 02:39 PM

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