12-03-2017, 11:15 AM
(12-02-2017, 02:50 PM)Shak7 Wrote:(12-02-2017, 12:30 PM)Shak7 Wrote:(11-08-2017, 02:00 PM)elatllat Wrote: What's the SOC temperature with the official heatsink under full load?The temp cut off for RK3328 SOC is 120C. It's from the manual. From my tests.. I never got more than 80C using Xenial mate image and lots of things rolling, even a chess engines tournament. I get to 100% cpu and fully used RAM for almost 5 hours non stop and never got near of cut off temp (120C).. I find putting thermal stuff on my Rock64 4GB RAM is pretty much only for aesthetics.
(like immediately after make -j 4 on the kernel)
I tried with a small 40x40x10mm 5V fan right on top of SOC and get -10C. Yes the fan is a nice add on but not required. At first I was thinking trying it.. Maybe the cpu would perform better, but it's not the case at all.
ROCK64 doesn't general much heat, a small and good passive heatsink should able to handle on most cases. Just make sure the adhesive pad is heat conductive type, I was surprised and shocked that more that 90% of heatsink selling in market using normal adhesive pad.