Morning. The SPI devices seem to work OK for me. A while back I enabled one of them to test the on-board 16MB SPI Flash for booting which worked fine after enabling the SPI node in the devicetree and adding a node for the Flash. I had to rebuild the kernel once with the necessary drivers which I did directly on the Rock64... as for installing, I just copied the resulting image and dtb directly to the /boot/.... folders and made backups of the old ones. Since the boot process uses extlinux and not grub, I think the normal make install doesnt work... but there should be another matching script...
As for general things GPIO and MCU buses, I would not try and port the RPi stuff, rather just use the normal Linux interfaces...
If you have any questions, maybe drop by in the #rock64 IRC channel where all the devs hang out
As for general things GPIO and MCU buses, I would not try and port the RPi stuff, rather just use the normal Linux interfaces...
If you have any questions, maybe drop by in the #rock64 IRC channel where all the devs hang out
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