After disliking how Android appeared on the Rock64, I decided I'd had enough and began searching for a new launcher. I wasn't too surprised when I fired up Google Play and saw that basically no launchers are supported. So I started searching out specific launchers (ADW Launcher, Nova Launcher, etc...) and I was able to find a few launchers that actually work! GO Launcher EX works amazingly well and is highly customizable. I won't go into an advertisement for the software, just letting you know that it is a fast way to change the look of Android. One feature I will tout is the ability to force screen orientation in landscape, so you shouldn't be turning your head 90 degrees to navigate anymore hopefully.
Play store link:
An alternative that I found works just as well but doesn't have as many options:
Next, if your like me... You don't use the on-screen keyboard because you have a USB mouse/keyboard hooked up. I found it to be annoyingly large and it also required that I push the "search" button on the on-screen keyboard and not just pushing "enter" on the keyboard. I searched around and found that others have had the same problem. And came up with a solution! Null Input Method is an IME that basically is not a keyboard. It just hides the on-screen keyboard and re-enables "enter" on a USB keyboard.
Play store link:
Some of you may not be aware that Android actually does have provisions built-in for a wired keyboard. Unfortunately, documentation for this is very hard to find. Here are the key bindings I've found to be working. I'm also looking into a way to remap these so we can use more comfortable keyboard combinations. Sadly, the "Home", "Num Lock", etc... buttons do not work on any keyboard I've tried, so just pushing "Home" to go home doesn't work.
Home: Alt+Escape
Back: Escape/Right-Click
Menu: Control+Escape
Reboot (NO WARNING!) Control+Alt+Delete
Caps Lock: Shift, Shift (Twice in quick succession!)
App Switcher: Alt+Tab
When I find a free way to remap these buttons, I will let you all know. Likewise, I'll let you know if more shortcuts are found. Fee free to add to the list!
Edit: Aptoide has a pretty good app for downloading apps you cannot get from the Play Store. For example, I really wanted virtual soft keys (back, home, menu) but I was having a hard time finding any compatible ones in the Play Store. Aptoide let me download the one I wanted and installed it. Which brings me to my next point...
Virtual Soft Keys (no root) works pretty fine for getting navigation keys on screen. Follow the directions, it works great. Added benefit is that it let's you hide the keys when you won't need them (RetroArch, Kodi, etc...) by swiping them down, and then reenable them by swiping up from the bottom.
Now, I've had several apps tell me I'm rooted. Am I? Because no root manager seems to work at all.
Play store link:
An alternative that I found works just as well but doesn't have as many options:
Next, if your like me... You don't use the on-screen keyboard because you have a USB mouse/keyboard hooked up. I found it to be annoyingly large and it also required that I push the "search" button on the on-screen keyboard and not just pushing "enter" on the keyboard. I searched around and found that others have had the same problem. And came up with a solution! Null Input Method is an IME that basically is not a keyboard. It just hides the on-screen keyboard and re-enables "enter" on a USB keyboard.
Play store link:
Some of you may not be aware that Android actually does have provisions built-in for a wired keyboard. Unfortunately, documentation for this is very hard to find. Here are the key bindings I've found to be working. I'm also looking into a way to remap these so we can use more comfortable keyboard combinations. Sadly, the "Home", "Num Lock", etc... buttons do not work on any keyboard I've tried, so just pushing "Home" to go home doesn't work.
Home: Alt+Escape
Back: Escape/Right-Click
Menu: Control+Escape
Reboot (NO WARNING!) Control+Alt+Delete
Caps Lock: Shift, Shift (Twice in quick succession!)
App Switcher: Alt+Tab
When I find a free way to remap these buttons, I will let you all know. Likewise, I'll let you know if more shortcuts are found. Fee free to add to the list!
Edit: Aptoide has a pretty good app for downloading apps you cannot get from the Play Store. For example, I really wanted virtual soft keys (back, home, menu) but I was having a hard time finding any compatible ones in the Play Store. Aptoide let me download the one I wanted and installed it. Which brings me to my next point...
Virtual Soft Keys (no root) works pretty fine for getting navigation keys on screen. Follow the directions, it works great. Added benefit is that it let's you hide the keys when you won't need them (RetroArch, Kodi, etc...) by swiping them down, and then reenable them by swiping up from the bottom.
Now, I've had several apps tell me I'm rooted. Am I? Because no root manager seems to work at all.