(05-31-2017, 10:59 PM)stephen fleming Wrote: Just out of curiosity, about how long will it take for Linux kernel 4.11 to make it in to the main release?
A while

What you're basically after is a
mainline kernel, rather than a board support package (BSP) kernel. Basically the manufacturer of the processor has provided a BSP and that was a 3.4 kernel IIRC. Simon (longsleep) has then taken that, and pulled the necessary fixes in to get it up to 3.10 (and in particular docker usable), and then other bits as needed. The guys over at sun-xi have been working on the mainlining for all the different Allwinner CPUs, and you can see the status of the A64 CPU over there on the
status matrix. If you want to give a mainline build for pine64... you can give the
mainline build of Armbian a try and see if it does what you want yet or not.
I believe there is a 4.x BSP coming out of Allwinner later this year, but it will most likely be either too little too late, or another jumbled mess like previous stuff they've made available.