Kinda upset at the lack of response to GBe issues
Ok my PINE64 is totally unusable because of network speed less than 1000B/s.

My network works perfectly. I'm connected to a regular netgear switch. Other computers are working fine. I tryed several cables.
I'm running the latest "DEBIAN BASE" image on a fast SD card. Image is "Debian Base (3.10.102 BSP 2)".

If i'm connecting a Raspberry PI instead of the PINE64 board, everything runs smoothly.
But with the PINE64 my network speed is less than 1000B/s, just unusable. I'm quite disgusted at this time. I can't even make an apt-get update as this is way too slow.

I'm totally stuck, i can't repair and can't install anything.

edit : ok after some nice tips from IRC, it seems the image officially linked in the official PINE64 wiki is bugged and should not be used anymore. After switching to ARMBIAN (legacy), network speed is now OK. Links on wiki should really be updated (it's a waste of time to start with a unusable image)

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RE: Kinda upset at the lack of response to GBe issues - by SRG - 01-19-2017, 03:49 PM

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