12-14-2016, 07:38 PM
Awesome guide!
I would suggest one minor addition/edit to step 1:
I would suggest one minor addition/edit to step 1:
(10-15-2016, 08:55 AM)klliew Wrote: cd /home/debian
mkdir src
IMPORTANT: You must update the file names below. To update them, get the current link by going to https://nodejs.org/en/download/ and copying the link labeled Linux Binaries(ARM) --> ARMv8. Make sure that you update the bolded text to match the current file.
wget https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v6.x/node-v6.8.1-linux-arm64.tar.gz[/i]
tar -xvf node-v6.8.1-linux-arm64.tar.gz
cd node-v6.8.1-linux-arm64
sudo cp -R * /usr/local/
cd ..
rm -rf node-v6.8.1-linux-arm64